Logon 620 Table System
Logon 620 Table System
Designed by Andreas Störiko for Wilkhahn. Logon is an excellent choice for companies that equally value a sense of openness, lightness and dynamism, as well as premium quality and enduring style. Logon represents high quality, perfectly crafted design – whether as a single table or table system.
The especially lightweight look of the Logon tables is the result of a sophisticated design principle, borrowed from aircraft construction. The foot section and table top bearers are firmly braced with one another with threaded rods in the uprights. As a result, minimum material thicknesses achieve particularly high levels of strength.
Whether round or with corners, long or short – there is virtually no limit to the shapes Logon can produce. The modular structure of the table frames enable depths of 750 - 1300mm and widths of up to 3000mm per table segment. 45° and 90° angles are standard elements, intermediate sizes can be produced to order by Wilkhahn. The table tops, with their characteristic impact-resilient profile integrated into the lipping, are available in laminated or veneered versions. Versatile room usage is achieved, particularly when combined with Confair and Timetable ranges of matching, portable, collapsible or swivel tables.